Archive for July, 2016


Friday, July 15th, 2016

Hey, everyone! Just a heads up in case anyone missed it…I published ADRENALINE last night!

It’s FREE here—>

For those of you who requested to have it on Kindle, here you go —>

I’ve loaded it on B&N, iBooks, and KOBO, as well.

Remember, this is all content that has already been shared here or on my website. It’s simply been consolidated into one text for easy access.

And please know, this is completely FREE if you want to read it on Wattpad. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT! Some readers just requested it be available on the retailer sites, to have everything in one place for easier access in their Fall Away libraries. I’ve had it professionally proofed and formatted, and $0.99 is the cheapest these sites will allow me to charge.

If you did buy it, thank you! I’ve made about half of what I spent on it back so far, so if I break even, hey…AWESOME!

Hope you enjoy and thanks to Katie at Just Another Girl and Her Books for hunting down most of this material!

xoxo Pen